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PB • Feb 17, 2022


We were in conversation with a couple friend of ours when the wife mentioned that she once went on a trip with another lady who would not just stop talking. As it was a business trip, she mentioned that she loves to have quiet moments to pray and ask the Holy Spirit which products to go for. (A great practise I’ll highly recommend by the way).

She stated this incident to share how she appreciated her space and the small group we were in. To which Pastor Eddie, my husband now mentioned that she was lucky he wasn’t with the business trip bunch, because from the moment she wakes up till she goes to bed, if in his company: she would hear his voice all day. He actually used the phrase,..’I will so colonise your mind with my talking that you wouldn’t know if you were coming or going’ to which we all laughed so much. It was hilarious.

Pastor Eddie then explained the real reason why he would have to engage in talking as such and he said it’s because he ‘thinks with his mouth’. What exactly does that mean?! He processes information and options while talking about them. His mind thinks through things when he is in the process of verbalising them. In fact most times, the Holy Spirit speaks to him while he is talking and he hears solutions in His spirit. That however can be a challenge for someone who needs perfect silence to think.

God Has Set Things In Motion

As funny as it was, the whole conversation just showed how different we all are and how God made us all unique. His word says

'Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.'Psalm 139:14 (NLT)

The key message to note here is to understand that you are made wonderfully complex, so embrace your uniqueness and celebrate it. Know yourself enough to know what your special qualities are and use them well.

Whether you think with your mouth or your mind, you are YOU, you are special and you are blessed!

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